Saturday, August 31, 2019

Beawolf is the destruction of peace and order in a community or nation

Violence, in the world of Beowulf, not only carries with it its inherent negative effects but also it helps to bring out good human qualities. The violence being described in the epic is the murder of inhabitants and the plundering of their possessions. The first negative effect of violence as depicted in Beowulf is the destruction of peace and order in a community or nation.In the epic, the key conflict is preventing or stopping evil monsters from causing violence to the hero’s land and those of neighboring shores. The two key enemies are Grendel and the Dragon.Grendel is a â€Å"grim monster†¦a descendent of Cain† who lives in a murky pond with his mother and with â€Å"elves and evil spirits† (Beowulf Book I). Cain is referred to in the Bible as a man who murdered his own brother so that as a punishment God cursed the ground for him and that he was sent out as a wanderer in the earth (â€Å"Genesis† 3). During times of great celebration in the grea t Hall built by King Hrothgar, King of Denmark, Grendel suddenly attacked the King’s guests. The attack brought terror and grief to the Danes and as a result the peace and joy they felt vanished.It is important to note that such merciless act was committed without any provocation from the Danes at all. One day Grendel just decided to come out of his lair and slaughtered his captives. The grief and terror felt by the Danes lasted for twelve long years as Grendel continued his cruelty (Beowulf Book I,II). The Dragon, on the other hand, was a monster â€Å" with a fire belching out of its mouth† who attacked Beowulf’s kingdom in his old age(Beowulf Book XXXII). He, too, was described as ruthless, strong and hard to be subdued.In a Christian context, a Dragon symbolizes evil and death (â€Å"Dragon† 2007). But unlike Grendel, the Dragon attacked upon provocation. His anger was roused when his treasures was stolen from a burial mound. Out of revenge he attack the Geats who at this time were enjoying fifty years of peace and serenity brought about by the wise rule of King Beowulf (Beowulf Book XXXI). Another negative effect of violence as depicted in the epic is the threat it caused to the survival and maintenance of civilization or nation. Grendel slaughtered his victims and carry off some prisoners to his abode.Book II describes his assault this way â€Å"unhallowed wight, grim and greedy, he grasped betimes, wrathful, reckless, from resting-places, thirty of the thanes, and thence he rushed fain of his fell spoil, faring homeward† (Beowulf Book II). Grendel is hard to be defeated because according to the epic no weapon can destroy him. The Dragon, on the other hand, would â€Å"burn homes with fire â€Å"(Beowulf Book XXXII). Both monsters would make their assault at night, a time when the people are supposed to be resting and therefore slightly defenseless.In the cover of darkness both fearsome creatures can carry on their sl aughter swiftly. The Dragon stood unopposed as the people could not get near him due to the flames from his mouth (Beowulf Book XXXII). In such a hopeless situation and without any intervention, the inhabitants will be eventually wiped out. Violence also breeds other violence. When Beowulf killed Grendel, Grendel’s mother was consumed with fury and tried to avenge his death. It does not matter to her if Grendel was the one at fault.In her screwed reasoning, Grendel was his son and therefore needs to be avenged. Prior to his death, Grendel’s mother was not in any way physically involved with the slaughter. However, upon his death, Grendel‘s mother became as ruthless as his son. Without any further delay, Grendel’s mother went out to the Hall hoping to kill the criminal who put his son to eternal sleep. However Beowulf was not around so that angrily she took a Danish nobleman and Grendel’s paw and carried them with her back to her home( Beowulf Book X IX ) .Upon hearing of this incident, Beowulf run after her and with a sword ended her life. In another sense we can say that the death of Grendel, Grendel’s mother and the Dragon at the hands of Beowulf was also a form of violence. However, upon careful analysis, such violence can be considered necessary to end the greater violence committed by the three aggressors. In the epic, violence only ended at the death of the three. If left alive, there is a big possibility that their violence will continue owing to their untamed evil natures.Although violence is a wicked thing to commit and should be avoided at all cost, but if present it helps to bring out the heroic trait of an individual. The hero is the man of the hour who stops and controls the spread of violence. While the enemy is described as evil and ruthless, the hero is describes a s a man possessing a good, companionate and courageous heart. Beowulf was such a man. He was a prince who possessed not only these good human traits but also endowed with great strength that equals, if not surpassed, the aggressors.Even long before he came to the aid of King Hrothgar, he had already proven his fighting prowess when he killed the sea-monsters that plied the sea he swam in on his way to help the Finns in getting rid of their enemies(Beowulf Book I).. He showed his compassionate heart when hearing of Grendel’s cruelty in Hrothgar’s kingdom; he sailed to Denmark without waiting any pleas of help from the Danish king ( Beowulf Book III). Unarmed and single-handedly he engaged Grendel in mortal combat (Beowulf Book XI).Grendel was surprised at the firm grip of Beowulf and according to him he had not yet ever encountered such a strong man in his lifetime. Beowulf managed to tear Grendel’s arm out of his shoulder. â€Å"The awful monster had lived to feel pain in his body, a huge wound in his shoulder was exposed, his sinews sprang apart, and his bone-locks broke). This wound had mortally wo unded Grendel so that he later died in his lair. The Dragon, o the other hand, was challenged by Beowulf in his den. The two struggled against each other until Beowulf killed him with the sword).Unfortunately Beowulf, old at this time, was also wounded and eventually died (Beowulf Book XXII). It is important to note that as a hero Beowulf fought against evil forces from his youth until his old age. The epic delivers a strong message that preventing and controlling violence is a never-ending struggle. When Grendel’s violence ended, another one arose in the hands of the Dragon. In the face of violence, the loyalty of an individual is exposed. During Beowulf’s fight with the Dragon, the struggle became fearful to watch so that Beowulf’s men flee in fright.Only Wiglaf remained to help his aging monarch. Even at the cost of his life, Wiglaf help Beowulf slay the fiery Dragon (Beowulf Book XXXVI). His loyalty and gallantry was later rewarded when before Beowulf died h e proclaimed Wiglaf as his successor to the throne of Geatland (Beowulf Book XXXVIII). This last gesture of Beowulf is a declaration that loyalty in the face of crisis is to be honored. It is possible that without Wiglaf, Beowulf, wounded and old as he was, would have failed to put an end to the Dragon’s life. The Dragon then will continue to terrorize the Geats.Wiglaf’s loyalty was crucial in attaining the victory of that climatic battle. Beowulf was assured that with Wiglaf the struggle against violence will be carried on long after his death. To the eyes of the Geats, Wiglaf is a source of hope for the survival and maintenance of Geatland. On the other hand, those who deserted Beowulf were reproached and reaped nothing but shame. WORKS CITED â€Å"Dragon. † Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. â€Å"Genesis†. The Holy Bible. Korea: Thomas Nelson, Inc. , 1984.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Parenting Styles Essay

Researchers have studied parenting styles extensively. Many studies have aimed to find a greater connection that shows the impact of each parenting style on the development of the child and how its influence in various aspects of life including self-confidence, self-esteem, academic achievement, and personality. This study used previous empirical research to examine the various impacts of parenting styles on children’s developmental processes. This study begins with a review of the classical studies of Baumrind (1991) and Maccoby (2000). Maccoby used 12 scholarly articles published between 2007 and 2013. Many of the findings in the research support the notion that the authoritative parenting style is the most advantageous in child development. Parenting Styles and their Impact on Child Development Developmental psychologists are interested in comprehending how parents influence their children’s development. However, many of these psychologists have not yet found an actual cause and effect connection between the actions of parents and children’s behaviors. In various cases, researchers have observed that even children who are raised in drastically different environments grew up to have personalities that are very similar to one another. On the other hand, children who share a home and are raised in similar environments often grow up with extremely different personalities from one another. While this counterintuitive phenomenon exists, researchers have uncovered many connections between parenting styles and their effects on children. The effects of parenting styles on children were examined to determine whether parents have a significant impact on their children’s development. It is widely accepted from layman science that children learn many aspects and acquire many of their personality traits from their social lives and the environments in which they are brought up. The question that lingers is exactly how much parents actually influence their children in terms of genetics compared to their development after birth and throughout childhood? Psychologists agree that a child’s learning curve is partially based on the timetable at which development begins and is defined as how fast an infant learns to walk and talk, and progress through other developmental milestones. Society has made it the parents’ responsibility to develop their children according to the standards, morals, and values within each society. This responsibility includes teaching the children how to behave while at home, around friends and family, and while in public. Society expects children to act in a specific way, which may include not pestering their parents, behaving in an appropriate manner in public, and participating in household chores. However, the outcome of a child acting in such a way depends on how the parents have fostered these ideas within the child, which is a determinate to the growth and development of the child’s personality. A child’s development does not only depend on the environment and parenting styles involved. To some extent, predispositions such as genetics are also potential factors that can significantly impact growth and development of the child. This study used the classical works of Baumrind (1991), Maccoby (2000), and Martin as a framework upon which further research concerning this topic can be carried out. A thorough discussion of the work of these researchers provides the opportunity to draw conclusions in which to answer the following question: To what extent does parenting style impact on child development? Materials and Methods This research did not use an experimental study; rather, it is classified as a qualitative analysis in which a review of literature was conducted to draw conclusions on the research topic. Therefore, this study is more of a literature review in which previous works on the impact of parent styles on child development are discussed. For example, this study scrutinizes the works of Maccoby (2000) who obtained data from other studies and analyzed it to her specifications. Maccoby assessed several studies and found that the methods used include observations on child-parent interactions, interview, and reviews of various records of participants. This study used a minimum of 12 scholarly articles been published in the last 5 to 6 years using an empirical research method. This review allowed the researcher to make recommendations, based on recent research, on best practices in assessing the significance of parenting styles on child development. This study used only experimental studies to provide a basis of legitimacy based observed  data. Before recent research is assessed, a background of this topic is established by summarizing the classical works of Baumrind (1991), Maccoby, and Martin. Difference between Parenting Style and Practice Before the works of researchers are discussed, it is important to highlight the difference between parenting styles and parenting practices. According to Spera (2005), it is essential and imperative to comprehend the difference between parenting styles and parenting practices. Spera noted that parenting practices is defined as specific behaviors use to socialize with their children. An example of such socialization is when parents sit down with their children to guide them with their homework or when they set aside a specific time for reading or making school a top priority by attending school events such as parent-teacher conferences. These actions show that parents have a desire for their children to do well in school. On the other hand, parenting style is more of a characterization of the emotional climate that surrounds in the environment in which parents rear their children. According to Baumrind (1991), parenting styles can be characterized over several dimensions in which parental responsiveness and demand is asserted on the child. Baumrind, Maccoby, & Martin: Theories of Parenting Styles and Child Rearing Baumrind (1966) developed a theory on parenting styles that proposed that parents fall into one of three categories of parenting styles, authoritarian, indulgent, or authoritative. Baumrind later expanded this theory and included a fourth parenting style known as negligent. The typologies of Baumrind’s parenting styles were concluded after conducting extensive research using interviews and observations with parents and children. Participants included 32 middle class white families who were observed in a nursery school setting. The methods of naturalistic observation, parent interviews, and other research methods resulted in four important dimensions of parenting, disciplinary strategies, warmth and nurturance, communication style, and expectations of maturity and control. Baumrind’s (1966) parenting styles included authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent/permissive, and negligent/uninvolved. The proposed parenting styles have different consequences on children regarding competence and development based on social and cognitive traits. Additionally, each style differs in terms of behaviors, standards, and values that parents expect  their children to adopt. Authoritarian Parenting Under the authoritarian parenting style, children are expected to follow a strict set of rules established by the parents. If the child fails to follow these rules, the parents will administer some sort of punishment. Observations suggest that parents who use this parenting style tend to fail when it comes to explaining the reason(s) behind their rules. When parents were asked to explain the reason(s) behind rules, the most common answer was, â€Å"I said so, that’s why.† These parents also tend to have high demands but are not very responsive of their children. According to Baumrind (1966), these parents tend to be obedience- and status-oriented, and they expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation. Authoritative Parenting The authoritative parenting style is similar to authoritarian as parents who operate under this style also have established rules and guidelines that their children are expected to follow. However, this style differs in that it is more democratic in the sense that authoritative parents respond to their children and are willing to listen to questions that the children might have. For example, if a child were to fail to meet any of the established expectations, these parents would be more nurturing and forgiving, rather than simply administering a punishment. According to Baumrind (1966; 1991), these parents tend to monitor and impart clear standards concerning conduct and behavior. Additionally, these parents are not assertive but may be more intrusive and restrictive. The disciplinary methods of the parents are more supportive as they want their children to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulated, and cooperative. Indulgent/Permissive Parenting Permissive parents tend to make very few demands on their children. These parents are known to rarely discipline their children because of their low expectations of maturity and self-control. These parents are also more responsive than they are demanding, and they are considered nontraditional and lenient. Parents known to use this style do not require mature behavior, allow considerable self-regulation, and tend to avoid confrontation. These parents are also nurturing and communicative with their children, and they are usually found taking the status of a friend rather than a parent. Negligent/Uninvolved Parenting Negligent or uninvolved parents tend to have very few to no demands, low responsiveness, and very little to no communication. These parents fulfill the basic needs of their children; however, they are very much detached from their children’s lives. Observed in extreme cases of negligent parenting, these parents might even reject or neglect the needs of their children. Baumrind’s (1966) initial study of child development has led other researchers to conduct studies to elaborate on this work. Maccoby (2000) found some impact of these parenting styles on children’s development. Maccoby’s work extended the research on the influence of parenting style and that of the genetic makeup of the child, which she proposed effects behavioral characteristics. Maccoby also proposed that genetics also influences the way in which parents treat their children. Maccoby (2000) used twin and adoption studies to provide a logical basis to estimate the strength of genetic effects. Her study found that heritability estimates for a given trait vary widely. Maccoby argued that basing assumptions on the strength of genetic factors were not enough because they are not sufficient to develop a basis to make such estimations because of additional environmental factors that are involved. If researchers make these assumptions, they will systematically underestimate parenting effects. Maccoby believed and established that children’s genetic predispositions and their parent’s parenting style are interconnected and that they function, which results in the overall effect of a child’s development. According to the studies conducted by Maccoby, each parenting style as the following influences on children: 1. Authoritarian parenting. This parenting style leads children to be very obedient and proficient. However, they will end up ranking lower in the amount of happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. 2. Authoritative parenting. Parents, who raise their children using this style, have children who are happier, capable, and successful individuals. 3. Permissive/Indulgent. Parents with this style of parenting will have children with low amounts of happiness and self-regulation. These children also have significant problems with authority and tend to perform  poorly in school. 4. Negligible/Uninvolved. Parents who use this style of parenting have children who rank the lowest across almost all domains of life. Many of these children demonstrate a lack of self-control, low self-esteem, and are known to be less competent than their peers. Many researchers agree that the authoritative parenting style is the most advantageous of all the parenting styles. When children comprehend and perceive their parents’ requests to be reasonable and fair, they are more likely to conducting themselves according to those requests (Bernstein, 2011). Another reason for the successfulness of this parenting style is that children are more likely to accept the rationale for behavior as their own, which results in a greater amount of self-control (Bernstein, 2011). Recent Studies Many recent studies have been conducted on the effects of parenting styles on the development of children. Such research has focused on the effects parenting styles have on in regards to academic performance and level of education. Hernandez (2013) examined the impact of parenting styles on self-efficacy and level of education among Latinos. The study included 199 participants who ranged in age from 25 to 79. The researcher used a correlational method to configure the effects of parenting. Hernandez found a positive correlation between the level of education of both parents and participants’ levels of education. Rinaldi and Howe (2012) found those mothers’ and fathers’ self-reported parenting styles explained 44% of the variance found among youngsters’ externalizing behaviors. Their study included 59 families with children aged 32 months. Recent studies have also shown that children’s externalizing behaviors are negatively and moderately associated with fathers’ authoritative styles, and positively associated with fathers’ authoritarian styles. Additionally, studies have shown that children’s internalizing behaviors are positively correlation with fathers’ authoritarian style of parenting (Schary, Cardinal, & Loprinizi, 2012a; 2012b, & Loprinizi, Schary, Beets, Leary, & Cardinal, 2013). Recent studies have found connections between parenting styles and child development, specifically, on school achievement. Kordi and Baharudin (2010) reviewed empirical studies on school-related achievements. The researchers found that the authoritative parenting style was highly associated with higher  levels of school achievement. However, Kordi and Baharudin noted that these findings are inconsistent between cultures and across various societies. Cramer (2002) examines the relationship between parenting styles and classroom motivation. The researcher found that mothers’ authoritative parenting was positively correlated with first graders’ mastery of concepts in motivation. Based on this finding, Cramer suggested that authoritative parenting leads to higher levels of intrinsic motivation. Conversely, fathers’ authoritarian parenting was significantly and positively correlated with first and third graders’ motivation and teachers’ perceptions of children’s classroom motivation (Cramer, 2002). Hong (2012) also expanded on Baumrind’s (1966; 1991) parenting styles and their effects on the children’s schooling. She examined the ways in which parenting style impacted child’s behavior and found that the influence yielded predictive effects on children’s academic achievements. Hong (2012) also found a correlation between parenting style and children’s behaviors, which eventually defines their academic achievements. The researcher also found that child’s academic achievement is a result of the mix between parenting style and parenting practices they exert in the child’s environment. Conclusion Although significant research has been conducted to find connections between parenting style and child development, more effort is needed to find an exact cause and effect relationship between these two variables. Through various studies were reviewed here, it seems that the authoritative parenting style produces the most advantageous and positive impacts on a child’s development and academic achievement. Exactly to what extent this parenting style has on children needs further study. To understand the extent of the influence of parenting styles better, the inclusion of parenting practices also need to be considered. Such research can be used to create practices for parents to follow, to aid their children in becoming fully developed adults and influence their development in a positive way. References Baumrind, D. (1966). Effects of authoritative parental control on child behavior. Child Development, 37(4), 887-907. Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11, 56-95. Bernstein, D. A. (2011). Essentials of psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Cramer, K. E. (2002). The influences of parenting style on children’s classroom motivation. Retrieved from /Cramer_thesis.pdf Hernandez, M. (2013). The impact of parenting styles on Latinos’ level of education and self-efficacy. Retrieved from Hong, E. (2012). Impacts of parenting on children’s schooling. Journal of Student Engagement: Education Matters, 2, 36-41. Kordi, A., & Baharudin, R. (2010). Parenting attitude and style and its effect on children’s school achievements. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2, 217-222. Loprinizi, P. D., Schary, D. P., Beets, M. W., Leary, J., & Cardinal, B. J. (2012). Association between hypothesized parental influences and preschool children’s physical activity behavior. American Journal of Health Education, 4, 9-18. doi:10.1080/19325037 .2012.749685 Maccoby, E. E. (2000). Parenting and its effects on children: On reading and misreading behavior genetics. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, p. 1-27. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych .51.1.1 Rinaldi, C. M. & Howe, N. (2012). Mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles and association with toddlers’ externalizing, internalizing, and adaptive behaviors. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27(2), 266-273. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2011.08.001 Schary, D. P., Cardinal, B. J. & Loprinizi, P. D. (2012a). Parenting style associated with sedentary behavior in preschool children. Early Child Development and Care, 182(8), 1015-1026. doi:10.1080/03004430.2012.678596 Schary, D. P., Cardinal, B. J. & Loprinizi, P. D. (2012b). Parental support exceeds parenting style for promoting active play in preschool children. Early Child Development and Care, 182, 1057-1069. doi:10.1080/03004430.2012.685622 Spera, C. (2005). A review of the relationship among parenting practice, parenting styles, and adolescent school achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 17, 125-146. doi:10.1007/s10648-005-3950-1

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem, Because I could not stop for Death

Emily Dickinson's poem I can not stop dying Out of Emily Dickinson's poem Can not stop dying represents a reflection of the speaker against death. This poem focuses on the concept of life after death. The background of this verse reflects the approach of death, death is kind and considerate. Through immortal promises, fear is removed, and death not only becomes acceptable, but also is welcomed. As a human being, we believe that death is never coming at a convenient or appropriate time. Eunice Glenn commentator on Emily Dickinson 's Emily Dickinson' s I can not stop dying commented as follows. The word good will is particularly meaningful as it may become a feature of death soon. This is also surprising (Glen), as death is often considered serious and horrible. - Analyze Emily Dickinson's poem I can not stop dying. This poem focuses on the concept of life after death. The background of this verse reflects the approach of death, death is kind and considerate. Through immortal promises, fear is removed and death not only becomes acceptable but also welcomed Since I can not stop death, I was declared Emily Dickinson's most famous poem. This poem reveals the acceptance of calm death of Emily Dickinson. She portrayed her death as a gentleman and she was surprised at her visit. Emily depicts everyday scenes as life cycles. Her metaphor is exploring death in a fictional way, but her lines often contain as much uncertainty as meaning. Life and death are oriented forever and are considered not so important in the eternal framework. - Emily Dickinson, using symbolism, was able to create a theme with the theme I can not stop death. . We travel with the speakers and guide us through life, death and other stages. In this poem the symbol we first encountered is death. At their conference, the lecturer is dying as if he is the boss who is at the meeting.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discussion week 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion week 6 - Assignment Example e working age population which is expected to increase to 37% by 2020, and the hospitals are gaining market share making a monopoly to increase prices they charge to customers. The demand and supply issues in the market create legal and standard issues, doctors malfunction on patients because of unavailability of required medicines. As a nurse the most critical reason is the new drugs and technologies that are being introduced in the market. There are too many innovations in medical industry and it becomes difficult to cope up with new information. Every day there is a new discovery; doctors are continuously making researches in the field. Although if looked at it otherwise, it is better for the patients who face with diseases that have no remedies. However, as a leader of the nursing community I will motivate my staff to learn the news ways in medicine to apply them on the patient. In the same amount of staff members I will conduct training sessions to ensure that they are well aware about the new treatment and have full knowledge of its implementation. This would reduce the cost of the hospitals and the same nursing staff would be updated with the new

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Is the Future of Democratic Journalism Better than the Past Essay

Is the Future of Democratic Journalism Better than the Past - Essay Example Media have been used in journalism as the modes of communication in sending the founded information to the public. It has been known that journalism focuses on the truth that lies in the current issues and happenings in the society and surroundings. Various subjects have been incorporated to journalism from businesses to governmental activities and reactions of the society at large (Pavlik 2001, p. 83). It also contains entertainment and show business as artists, actors and directors are the topics of the rendered reports. Journalism may be performed by making documentaries, doing some interviews and capturing photos of the footage. In the current state of the world, people heavily rely on the news media as the professional body to analyze and manage the information flow regarding public events and happenings (Pavlik 2001, p. 83). The way media and journalism are used undergoes changes as technology progresses swiftly. People are migrating to the newer form of journalism which is don e through the power of the Internet. The digital age has greatly changed journalism as wired networks allow people to exchange information anytime and anywhere as geographical boundaries are not obstacles anymore. Gadgets are widely-used nowadays like tablet PCs, laptops, desktops, smart phones and other products that are connected to the Internet through cables or wireless capabilities (p. 213). Print media have been in the dilemma of becoming less popular and may lead to extinction as the audience prefers digital news over the print media like newspapers (Paterson 2008, p. 115). Some journalists may look at the change and shift of journalism and media as a negative phenomenon as the traditional ways may be gone in a matter of years. In contrary, other journalists think that the Internet as the emerging media for journalism has a bright potential that is waiting to be used to the full extent and for the development of journalism as a practice. News organizations are slowly embracin g the advent of the new media as digital technology is incorporated now into the delivery of news and public affairs though the traditional media may not be able to cope up. Various techniques are then employed to ensure the quality and improve the way news is generated based on the gathered information. Some even make use of maestro concept which is a brainstorming method of getting the job done. A group of journalists and media men compose the brainstorming session in constructing the news stories and projected images for the news scoop. It had been formulated by Professor Leland Ryan, a journalism educator who had assisted various reporters, artists and media men into how they can create good news stories. In performing the brainstorming session, a leader is assigned as the maestro among the members of the team who will preside with the format of the story planning. The group then will think about the questions that the audience may ask once they have perceived the news and jot t hem down. Afterwards the concept would be formulated based on the listed questions by answering them. Next, the team will visualize the scenario and how they can put the news story on a page. Lastly, the group will think of the obstacles that may prevent them from posting a good news story. They may need to consider the appropriate images and fonts for the stories and some logos or additional graphics that may enhance the delivery of the news. The group may even think of possible lay-outs for

Monday, August 26, 2019

Development of Nationalism in East and Southeast Asia Essay

Development of Nationalism in East and Southeast Asia - Essay Example Nationalism is considered to be a process, which develops with respect to time; it does not emerge abruptly or unexpectedly. â€Å"It is not a phenomenon that appears suddenly. It is the result of a process by which a people become conscious of themselves as a separate national entity in the modern world, a process by which they become willing to transfer their primary loyalty from the village, or the region, or the monarch, to the nation-state† 1. It is this perspective, which can be found in East and Southeast Asia. In order to integrate nationalism, several steps and measures have been adopted by the government. These measures include the suppression of opposition, the selection of a mutual language and the concentrate on economic growth in order to sustain and maintain liberty. Nationalism and Communism in Southeast Asia is the product of colonisation. The vast majority of the East and Southeast Asian countries were â€Å"controlled either by the British, French, Dutch, A mericans or Portuguese, who sought to control unnatural boundaries and had no regard for the natives of those areas† 2. After the end of World War II, majority of the East and Southeast Asian countries declared independence from the Western imperialist. For instance, Indonesian nationalists fought with the Dutch in order to get their independence. Philippine got it independence from United States; Vietnam got its independence from France after the Indochina war. After the end of World War II, majority of the East and Southeast Asian.

Compare Destiny in Oedipus Rex( by Sophocles) and The Golden Mean Research Paper

Compare Destiny in Oedipus Rex( by Sophocles) and The Golden Mean (2009 by Annabel Lyon) - Research Paper Example According to Michael Clark, â€Å"By the 1950's, Jung had outlined three types of synchronicity: The meaningful acausal coincidence of a psychological event and an external observable event, both taking place at or around the same time. The meaningful acausal coincidence of a psychological event and an external observable event, the latter taking place outside the individual's range of sensory perception. The meaningful acausal coincidence of an internal psychological event with an external observable event, the latter taking place in the future. ... (jung, 1973) Nevertheless, when analyzing the path of self-development taken by Oedipus, as well as that of Alexander and Aristotle in Lyon’s depiction, the importance of synchronicity can be seen in the way that events draw people together at auspicious times that will determine not only their own fate, but the destiny of millions throughout history. Jung’s discussion of â€Å"meaningful acausality† in its first aspect as described by Clark can be seen in the meeting of Oedipus with his father at the crossroads. This was prophesized before Oedipus’ own birth, and for that reason he was tossed away with pierced ankles and received his name. In this instance, the name of Oedipus both illustrates and hides his actual identity to himself and others. In meeting his father in such an apparently random manner against the conscious will of both parties, the element of synchronicity is clearly evident, even if the meaning will not fully become clear until later. T his meeting of Laius and Oedipus exists as the essential point where the meaning of both their lives will constellate and dissipate together, a time the gods and oracles could see but both were unconscious to personally at the time. As Jung writes, â€Å"Synchronicity suggests that mind and matter, as well as past, present and future exist in a meaningfully connected continuum. It also implies that everyday distinctions concerning self and environment, causality and the belief in linear time are historically specific assumptions rather than absolute truths.† (Clark, 2007) The sphinx in the Oedipus tale can be seen as symbolic of synchronicity and the play of fate in the way that it conjoins aspects of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How to Minimize Costs with Effective Project Management Essay

How to Minimize Costs with Effective Project Management - Essay Example In addition, one should ensure not to put too many people in the project and do should avoid bad vendors at all cost. In addition, ensuring that the teams employed have the right skills to pursue the specified goal is also of great importance. This is because the staff does what they know best hence reducing cost and time wastage.secondly, any staff member who meets the desirable goal should be rewarded to motivate them and to encourage the others to do their best, thirdly, should value the contributions of in members’ dimensions to ensure that they are left out. In addition to this, appointing of a qualified project manager to deal with should be in the forefront to ensure that the project remains on the right course to attain. In conclusion, all the contributions of every employee should be valued in all dimensions to avoid favoring some, which leads to low productivity. This is to mean that each individual should be given credit according to what he does

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Components of Consumer Information Processing Case Study

Components of Consumer Information Processing - Case Study Example As a consumer, I consider myself a more of utilitarian than hedonic. This mean whenever I am shopping I always aim at maximizing utility. I view shopping as a task which I have to program first, then conduct a proper search in order to get the a product or a service with desired specifications to satisfy my need. I normally seek functional, instrumental, and practical benefits. A recent Study on why people go shopping has revealed that shopping experience can provide to the consumer with a combination of both utilitarian value and hedonic value. Utilitarian value is task oriented and cognitive in nature. On the other hand, hedonic value is tied to the emotional aspect of the shopping experience. A consumer perceive a utilitarian value if they acquire they acquire product that necessitated their shopping trip, while at the same time perceive hedonic value if they enjoyment of the shopping experience. For these reason although I put more emphasis on maximizing a product utility, I also enjoy a shopping experience that offer both utilitarian and hedonic value satisfaction. The components of the consumer information processing are important to the business in various aspects. First, it is important to note that the volume of sales as well as the profitability of the business depends on the consumer buying behavior. These components include the exposure stages, retention, yielding, comprehension, and the attention. The exposure component triggers the stimuli of the consumer to acquire the product. The information processing is important to the business in that attracts the attention of many consumers hence the customer base of the organization is bound to increase significantly (Roy and Ian 372). It facilitates the provision of the necessary information to the consumers and thus, helps the consumer in making decision to buy the product. It provides the clear image of the product whilst providing the consumer with information regarding

Friday, August 23, 2019

Quality of Financial reporting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quality of Financial reporting - Assignment Example h of the company depends on various intangible attributes, it becomes quite challenging to examine its real or actual financial performances (Intel Corporation, 2010). Cost of goods sold: The inventory computation process of Intel is focused on the First-In-First-Out method. To comprehend the loss recognition of the written down values of inventories, the company tends to capitalize interests based on the borrowings treating the grants as additional expenditures for the stock (Intel Corporation, 2010). Operating expenses: The depreciation of the tangible assets is calculated in a straight-line method by Intel after capitalizing the interests on borrowings in the net worth of the asset. Impairment costs are charged on goodwill, non-marketable equity investments and other intangible assets which are also reviewed annually to monitor any changes. The acquisitions during research and development process are also identified as an intangible asset liable for amortization costs (Intel Corporation, 2010). Non-operating revenue and expenses: The net interest income generated by the company is computed after deducting the interest expenses incurred during the fiscal year along with other nets. Equity income is also calculated in relation to both its marketable and non-marketable equity investments. The financial statements of the company also depict the income tax changes along with the probable reasons for such alterations increasing its transparency. The financial statements are elaborate on the discontinued functions in relation to various investment activities initiated by the company (Intel Corporation, 2010). Other issues: The consolidated financial statements apparently depict the material alterations caused in relation to outstanding shares of Intel over a given period of time. The cash flow statement as well as the income statement also depicts the computation process of operating earnings before taxation and after taxation charges following the guidelines of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cassava Starch Essay Example for Free

Cassava Starch Essay Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called manioc, tapioca or yuca, is one of the most important food crops in the humid tropics, being particularly suited to conditions of low nutrient availability and able to survive drought (Burrell, 2003). The plant grows to a height of 1 to 3 m and several roots may be found on each plant. Although cassava leaves are sometimes consumed, the major harvested organ is the tuber, which is actually a swollen root. The plant is propagated mostly from stem cuttings. A major limitation of cassava production is the rapid post harvest deterioration of its roots which usually prevents their storage in the fresh state for more than a few days (Okezie and Kosikowski, 1982). Cassava ranks very high among crops that convert the greatest amount of solar energy into soluble carbohydrates per unit of area. Among the starchy staples, cassava gives a carbohydrate production which is about 40% higher than rice and 25% more than maize, with the result that cassava is the cheapest source of calories for both human nutrition and animal feeding. A typical composition of the cassava root is moisture (70%), starch (24%), fiber (2%), protein (1%) and other substances including minerals (3%) Compared to other crops, cassava excels under suboptimal conditions, offering the possibility of using marginal land to increase total agricultural production (Cock, 1982). Plant breeders, agronomists and recently molecular biologists have made substantial improvements in cassava yields during the last two decades. While, genetic characterization and mapping has revealed some insights into the molecular nature of cassava (Tonukari et al. 1997; Fregene et al. 003) Plastics are synthetic substances produced by chemical reactions. Almost all plastics are made from petroleum, except a few experimental resins derived from corn and other organic substances. Plastic has many properties which has made it a raw material of choice for Manufactures of plastic Bags and packing materials. Cost of production, lightweight, strength, easy process of manufac ture, and availability are few of the properties. Man has simply not put the plastic to the right use/ or using it without taking proper care of other related norms of usage. The hazards plastics pose are numerous. The land gets littered by plastic bag garbage presenting an ugly and unhygienic seen. The Throw away culture results in these bags finding their way in to the city drainage system, the resulting blockage cases inconvenience, difficult in maintaining the drainage with increased cost, creates unhygienic environment resulting in health hazard and spreading of water borne diseases. This littering also reduces rate of rain water percolating, resulting in lowering of already low water levels in our cities. The soil fertility deteriorates as the plastic bags form parts of manure remain in the soil for years. People need alternative and effective components of plastic that is safe and biodegradable which will not harm and pollute the earth. Significance: This study is important to be able to help Mother Earth in reducing its pollutants and toxic or harmful wastes. Through this study, the researchers will be able to help other people, the animals and the environment. The researchers would like to stop plastic pollution and be part of the solution. Plastic bags and bottles, like all forms of plastic, create significant environmental and economic burdens. They consume growing amounts of energy and other natural resources, degrading the environment in numerous ways. In addition to using up fossil fuels and other resources, plastic products create litter, hurt marine life, and threaten the basis of life on earth. There is over 45 million tons of plastics per year and nearly every piece of plastic ever made still exists today because of its long-life properties. Biodegradable plastics could be an effective solution to all of these problems. Biodegradable plastics are a much better choice than non biodegradable plastics because they are friendlier to the earth and the environment. Biodegradable plastics break down faster, can be recycled easier and are non-toxic. With these characteristics of biodegradable plastics, we could help save lives and the environment as well and reduce the threat plastics give to marine life. Plastic, the wonder material that we use for everything, is perhaps the most harmful of this trash because it does not readily break down in nature but if it is biodegradable, these plastics break down faster so they have a much shorter effect on the earth, and they will degrade completely. Normal plastics are manufactured using oil, and this process is very harmful to the environment by polluting the air and environment, but this is not the case with green biodegradable plastics. Using biodegradable plastics will minimize the effects that these products have on the earth, and help eliminate their waste much faster. Review of Related Literature: In the past few decades, there has been a marked advance in the development of biodegradable plastics from renewable resources, especially for those derived from starch-based materials. The goal of this development is to obtain biodegradable plastics that perform as well as traditional plastics when in use and which completely biodegrade at disposal. Several starch-based plastics have been introduced into the market, and are used in some applications now. Starch foam is one of the major starch-based packaging materials. It is produced by extrusion or compression/explosion technology. This product has been developed as a replacement for polystyrene which is used to produce loose-fillers and other expanded items. Another type of starch-based plastics is produced by blending or mixing starch with synthetic polyester. For this type of biodegradable plastics, granular starch can be directly blended with polymer, or its granular structure can be destructurized before being incorporated into the polymer matrix. The type of starch and synthetic polymer as well as their relative proportions in the blends influence the properties of the resulting plastics. The last group of starch-based plastics is polyesters that are produced from starch. The major starch-derived polyesters in the market now are polylactic acid and polyhydroxyalkanoate. Experimental studies have demonstrated that cassava starch could be used for making various types of packaging products. As a major source of starch in tropical and subtropical regions, cassava is a promising raw material for the development of biodegradable plastics in these areas. Research has been done on HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Biodegradable _blank o Biodegradablebiodegradable plastics that break down with exposure to sunlight (e. g. , HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ultra-violet_radiation _blank o Ultra-violet radiationultra-violet radiation), water or dampness, bacteria, enzymes, wind abrasion and some instances rodent pest or insect attack are also included as forms of HYPERLINK http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Biodegradation _blank o Biodegradationbiodegradation or HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Environmental_degradation _blank o Environmental degradationenvironmental degradation. It is clear some of these modes of degradation will only work if the plastic is exposed at the surface, while other modes will only be effective if certain conditions exist in landfill or composting systems. HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Starch _blank o StarchStarch powder has been mixed with plastic as a filler to allow it to degrade more easily, but it still does not lead to complete breakdown of the plastic. Some researchers have actually HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Genetic_engineering _blank o Genetic engineeringgenetically engineered bacteria that synthesize a completely biodegradable plastic, but this material, such as HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Biopol _blank o BiopolBiopol, is expensive at present. The diversity and ubiquity of plastic products substantially testify to the versatility of the special class of engineering materials known as polymers. However, the non-biodegradability of these petrochemical-based materials has been a source of environmental concerns and hence, the driving force in the search for ‘green’ alternatives for which starch remains the frontliner. Starch is a natural biopolymer consisting predominantly of two polymer types of glucose namely amylose and amylopectin. The advantages of starch for plastic production include its renewability, good oxygen barrier in the dry state, abundance, low cost and biodegradability. The longstanding quest of developing starch-based biodegradable plastics has witnessed the use of different starches in many forms such as native granular starch, modified starch, plasticized starch and in blends with many synthetic polymers, both biodegradable and non-biodegradable, for the purpose of achieving cost effectiveness and biodegradation respectively. In this regard, starch has been used as fillers in starch-filled polymer blends, thermoplastic starch (TPS) (produced from the combination of starch, plasticizer and thermomechanical energy), in the production of foamed starch and biodegradable synthetic polymer like polylactic acid (PLA) with varying results. However, most starch-based composites exhibit poor material properties such as tensile strength, yield strength, stiffness and elongation at break, and also poor moisture stability. This therefore warranted scientific inquiries towards improving the properties of these promising starch-based biocomposites through starch modification, use of compatibilizers and reinforcements (both organic and inorganic), processing conditions, all in the hope of realizing renewable biodegradable substitutes for the conventional plastics. Definition of Terms Biodegradable able to decompose naturally: made of substances that will decay relatively quickly as a result of the action of bacteria and break down into elements such as carbon that are recycled naturally Starch – a white, granular or powdery, odorless, tasteless and complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textiles. Plastics – the word plastic is derived from the words plasticus (Latin for â€Å"capable of molding†) and plastikos (Greek â€Å"to mold,† or â€Å"fit for molding†). Plastics are polymeric, moldable and synthetic materials which are derived from fossil fuels, such as oil, coal or natural gas. Plastics consist of organic (carbon-containing) long molecular chains that give them many of their unique properties. They can be made hard, flexible, strong, transparent, light and elastic. * Polymer – long-chain molecules that repeat their structures over and over * Polyethylene Bags the bags that you will see commonly used, such as plastic grocery bags, are made from petroleum byproducts, which is the root of most all of the environmental problems that they are the source of. Not only do they take substantially longer to break down or degrade, but as they do they release highly toxic chemicals. Resin – It is a hydrocarbon secretion of many HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Plant o Plantplants, particularly coniferous trees. It is valued for its chemical constituents and uses, such as varnishes and HYPERLINK http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Adhesive o Adhesiveadhesives, as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis, or for incense and perfume. * Polymer Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP) The most popular type of hardener because of its economy and ease of use. * Polyester Resin Polyester resins are the most commonly used matrix in the marine and composite industry. These resins are styrene-based, flammable and cata lyzed when combined with Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide(MEKP). Polyester resins are unsaturated resins formed by the reaction of dibasic organic acids and polyhydric alcohols. Premix Polyester Resin R10-60 – It is a fast gel premix polyester resin used for wood, kapiz, and other lamination with cellophane, â€Å"Lumirror† or â€Å"Mylar† films. It is also used to make decorative jewels and flowers from ceramic molds, to make small coatings from polyethylene amp; silicone rubber molds, and to cast on intrinsic molds such as steel or bass frames. * Plastic Resin Glue – Plastic resins are made by heating hydrocarbons in what is known as the cracking process. The goal here is to break down the larger molecules into ethylene, propylene, and other types of hydrocarbons. The amount of ethylene produced depends on the cracking temperature. Once the cracking process has been completed, the compounds are formed into chains that are known as polymers. Different polymers are combined to make plastic resins that have the characteristics needed for different applications Methodology: A. Materials 2 Cassava Tubers 180 ml of Premix Polyester Resin 300 ml of Polymer MEKP Hardener 100 grams Petroleum Jelly 3 old shirts Measuring cup Grater Plastic Spoon Knife 3 Plastic Containers Chopping board B. Procedure Gather the Cassava Tubers. Ground and squeeze it to extract the starch. Get hold of 240 grams of the starch and divide it into 3 equal parts: 80 grams in trial 1, trial 2 and trial 3. Place 60 ml of the plastic resin glue (Premix Polyester Resin) with 50 grams of flour catalyst for T1, 75 grams for T2 and 125 grams in T3. Mix and stir the components and pour it in the shirt with Petroleum Jelly and let it dry under the sun. To test its capacity to carry weight, use the plastic to carry objects. For its ability to hold water, put water inside the plastic. To test its tensile and bending properties, stretch the plastic as far as you can. Repeat steps 5-7 using T2 and T3.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reply to Post of Jennifer Schaefer Essay Example for Free

Reply to Post of Jennifer Schaefer Essay The outline set by the learner for the conduct and content of the initial interview is very traditional and methodological. It starts out with the gathering of relevant information, analyzing the data and then formulating solutions to the problems of the clients. This method is the commonly used approach in the world of therapy because it has been proven effective and easy to use by many therapists. For the first part of the outline, I think that the learner is very formal. This may make the client feel that he or she is being examined by a professional which is not helpful in forging a relationship with the client. This stage is very important because it empowers and enables the client to disclose all his or her experiences that will lead the therapist to find or provide solutions to the client’s problems. In the end, this formal or rigid approach can impede the progress of the counseling session. Reply to Post of Michele Moran The outline drafted by the learner tackles the issues of the client from recent to old. The problem that I see with this kind of approach in conducting an initial interview is that it seems very invasive to the client. At the beginning of the interview, the therapist or counselor would immediately ask for personal information about the client. Then, the client will be bombarded with questions or insinuations regarding his or her problem. I think these stages are essential but a rapport first must be established between the client and the therapist. Through this, the client can feel the he or she is not just talking to a professional who is doing his job but more of a friend or confidant who is willing to help and concerned about the welfare and development of the client.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Future of Global Oil Production

The Future of Global Oil Production WORLD’S OIL PRODUCTION: HISTORICAL REFERENCE AND PROJECTIONS Background The level of the oil production is influenced by a wide variety of factors. Following a basic principle, the demand is the reference element against which production (i.e. supply) is always analyzed. Yet, apart from demand there are many other factors that influence, either directly or indirectly, the oil production. To quote only a few of such factors with direct influence one might mention: the fluctuating oil price, the socio-economic framework, the political stability, the fiscal and regulatory regime(s), the technological breakthroughs etc. On the axis listing the rather indirect factors, but also having a huge influence on the level of the world’s oil production, are other factors: sustainable investment environment, availability of financial resources, evolution of the transportation sector, environmental concerns etc. For sure, not even a small portion of all factors with influence on the level of production has been exhausted. In order to deal with such broad variety of factors (each having potentially substantial influence on the oil production and some of them having an intrinsic fluctuating nature) private companies, organizations (e.g. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries), international bodies (e.g. International Energy Agency) or national monitoring bodies (e.g. US Energy Information Administration) put forward scenarios which are ultimately used for creating mid-term/ long-term strategies and/ or for making investment decisions in the dynamic arena of the oil and gas activity. Oil demand to 2035 As in most of the current scenario planning methods, in the 2014 IEA’s World Energy Outlook (â€Å"WEO-2014†) several scenarios are envisaged (i.e. New Policies Scenario[1] which is the central scenario to WEO-2014, the Current Policies Scenario[2] and the 450 Scenario[3]). During the 13 November 2014 Conference held in Vienna for promoting the release of the WEO-2014, IEA’s Chief Economist Fatih Birol mentioned that one of the key questions analysts are trying to answer is whether oil production will keep up in the future with the oil demand. The reason for analyzing this aspect in great detail lies in the fact that the energy demand is estimated to grow with a staggering 37% till 2040 (compared against the year of 2012)[4]. Within the energy mix, oil demand is supposed to rise from 90.1 mb/d in 2013[5] to 102.8 mb/d in 2035[6] and even to 103.9 mb/d till 2040 in the New Policies Scenario. In the Current Policies Scenario the oil demand increase is even more drastic: in 2040 the world demand will reach 116 mb/d! Both scenarios mentioned do not envisage a peak in the oil demand by 2040 which means that the mankind will actually need more oil to cover its needs in the years to follow after 2040. Only the 450 Scenario envisages a peak in the oil de mand already by around 2020[7] as the efficiency on the CO2 emissions is supposed to exhibit its effects by then; following said period the oil demand will decline and revert to the 1990s levels. Illustrating once more that the mankind’s faith lies actually in our hands, more specifically, in the policies to be implemented (or not) by 2040, it is worthwhile highlighting the deviations in energy demand (so not just oil demand) from the reference scenario (i.e. New Policies Scenario): in the Current Policies Scenario, the total energy demand will be higher with 10% (i.e. +1.746 Mtoe) than in the New Policies Scenario, while the 450 Scenario envisages a lower energy demand by 15% (i.e. -2.663 Mtoe) compared to the New Policies Scenario. In the energy mix envisaged in 2040, each of the three fossil fuels (i.e. oil, gas, coal) and the renewable sources play an equal role (i.e. each getting approx. a quarter), but with oil retaining its position as the largest single fuel in the global energy mix[8]. Similarly to IEA, OPEC’s 2014 World Oil Outlook (â€Å"WOO†) makes its own forecast, but the figures are slightly higher as it is envisaged in the reference case a steeper increase in the oil demand which is forecasted to reach 108 mb/ in 2035 and even 111 mb/d in 2040[9] (i.e. slightly lower – with 0.5 mb/d than forecasted in the WOO 2013). The figures provided by IEA WEO 2014, in terms of oil demand for the reference case are similar to the ones provided by OPEC’s WOO 2014 for the lower economic growth scenario which refers to a 102 mb/d oil demand in 2035 and 104.2 mb/d in 2040[10]. The higher economic growth scenario envisaged by WOO 2014 exhibits an oil demand of 112 mb/d in 2035 and almost 116 mb/d in 2040[11]. The main driving forces behind such steep demand increase are stemming from the developing economies (particularly China, India and Middle East[12]). In OECD countries, it is envisaged that the energy efficiency policies will come into play with a more significant impact than so far and, consequently, OECD oil demand will drop by almost 25% from 41 mb/d in 2013 to 31 mb/d in 2040 (OECD oil demand peaked already in 2005) with the US seeing the largest fall in absolute terms. Will oil production peak? After looking at the estimations of what oil quantities the world will need in the following decades, can it be stated that the production will keep up with such high demand? The good news is that the remaining technically recoverable resources of oil are sufficient to meet anticipated demand in all three scenarios[13]. The 2013 registered oil production was of 89.4 mb/d[14], according to IEA. As a significant milestone, all scenarios highlight the period around the 2020s when the North American unconventional production peaks (and subsequently it starts to decline). Yet, in the New Policies Scenario, the oil production growth will be supported mainly by the Middle East countries (i.e. OPEC’s quota raises from 36.8 mb/d in 2013 to 49.5 mb/d in 2040 when it will account for 49% of the total output) as well as by Canada and Brazil. Only the 450 Secenario, similar to the demand related projection, shows a production that will peak around 2020s when it will reach 93.4 mb/d[15]. By 2040, the 450 Scenario reflects an oil production declined up to 71.9 mb/d. OPEC’s WOO 2014[16] projects an oil production growth up to 108 mb/d by 2035 and even 111 mb/d by 2040. In its projection released on 9 September 2014, the US Energy Information Administration forecasts, in its reference case, an overall oil output increase reaching 99.1 mb/d[17] by 2040 (rather close to IEA’s 2014 New Policies Scenario). Conclusion All scenarios show that on a mid-term perspective oil supply and demand will both grow. All scenarios (except the 450 Scenario) show that on a long term oil supply and demand will grow. The 450 Scenario envisages a peak demand and supply around the 2020s. Some elements present high uncertainty (e.g. US tight oil, Brazil deepwater development, Canadian oil sands, Middle East stability etc) and their evolution over the next decades will be of utmost interest. Another heavy weight factor for the interdependency with the oil production supply and demand will be the evolution of the oil price. And another element which may produce positive surprises which will be worth following are the technological breakthroughs (if any). Therefore, the world’s business community will have to closely monitor all these elements and will have to factor them into the strategic business decisions to be made in the following years! [1] The New Policies Scenario takes into consideration the policies and implementing measures that have been adopted as of mid 2014 as well as the implementation of the policy proposals (even if they are yet to be formally approved). [2] The Current Policies Scenario takes into consideration only the policies enacted until mid 2014. [3] The 450 Scenario is not purely a scenario, but it rather sets a final target (i.e. limiting the temperature increase over the next years to only 2 degrees Celsius) and works out backwards to identify the decisions/ actions that have to be accomplished in order to meet this threshold. [4] World Energy Outlook 2014, page 55 [5] Idem, page 98 [6] Ibidem [7] Idem, page 97 [8] IEA WEO 2014, page 96 [9] OPEC World Oil Outlook 2014, page 72, available at [10] Idem, page174 [11] Ibidem. [12] See Figure 3.2 in the IAE’s WEO 2014, page 100 [13] IEA, WEO 2014, page 110 [14] Idem, page 115. The OPEC WOO 2014 refers (under page 79) to an oil production of 90 mb/d. In both cases, the â€Å"oil production† includes, apart from the crude oil production, the NGL as well as the unconventional oil production. [15] IEA, WEO 2014, page 115. [16] WOO 2014, page 82 [17] See â€Å"Table A5. World crude and lease condensate production by region and country† available at

Monday, August 19, 2019

Anorexia and Bulimia :: Causes of Bulimia, Eating Disorders

Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa "When she was fourteen, a modeling agency said that her face was too fat. It was a death sentence." (Toronto Sun, 1994) Sheena Carpenter died in November 1993. She was found on the kitchen floor of her apartment by her mother. She was twenty-two years old. . . and weighed only fifty pounds. Sheena was just one of the alarming numbers of young women who become obsessed with the shape and size of their bodies, and suffer harmful, or in this case, fatal effects from eating disorders. At any given time, almost one out of every two women is on some sort of a diet, and this statistic is apparently reflected the revenues of the diet industry, currently a $33 billion a year industry. It should be noted that this estimate does not include profits generated by exercise or workout programs, gyms, health clubs, or cosmetic surgery. A recent national survey in the US reveled that the majority of women, when asked what would make them happiest, choose thinness over all other choices, even such thing as job promotion, romance, prestige and power. In fact, more women feared becoming fat, then feared dying. These statistics revel an alarming social problem that is reaching epic proportions. Although the topic of eating disorders has gained a larger audience within the last decade, the number of cases of eating disorders continues to rise at a resounding rate. Today many scientists are looking into possible causes for the onset of an eating disorder. The most prevalent and influencing factor is the media and society's view. They act as a controlling presence for susceptible individuals. â€Å" The socioculture pressure on today's adolescent and young women to be thin and attractive also play an important role in the development of eating disorders. Thinness in today's society is associated with self-control, attractiveness, intelligence, happiness , wealth and success. The media, fashion, and the diet industry exploit this myth by bombarding us with products and services designed to push us towards losing weight. As a result, it is not surprising to find that adolescents who are undergoing uncontrollable body changes and the onset of new emotional and sexual drives seek dieting in order to enhance their sense of self-control and acceptance by others.† Recently it has been discovered that a possible cause for eating disorders is due to an defective hormone. That hormone serotonin, said to activate in response to food, is still a mystery and even though it has some value as a blood clotting factor, but its functions have yet to be totally understood. At the current speed of progress however, it has been said that we

My Philosophy of Education Essay -- Educational Philosophy

As an educator we all struggle with philosophy and where to go from there once we decide what our set of beliefs are. Once we put our philosophy in place, we then struggle with changing our philosophy. I believe that philosophies can be always changing any given situation and in order for growth as an educator we have to be aware of the situations that can change our philosophy, as well as being true to our core beliefs. However, in order for this to happen we must understand what philosophy is, and what it is not and how it fall in line with ideology and theories. For this assignment, I will compare and contrast philosophy, ideology, and theory. Philosophy is the most beliefs about what is true or real according to individual values (Gutek, 2009). Philosophy is our beliefs that will determine what we do professionally and personally. Not having a philosophy set in place, it will be difficult to make decisions within the classroom, creating curriculums and evaluate progress. Although a person can set goals without having a philosophy implemented, not having the foundation of a set philosophy (core set of beliefs) achieving the goals can be a very difficult challenge. Educators need a starting point to understand why we think and act the way we do in our classrooms. Having a philosophy allows an educator to reflect on how to make classroom actions consistent with our beliefs related to learning. However, before we list our â€Å"beliefs† we need to delve deeper into what makes up our philosophy. There are four major components to philosophy – Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology, and Logic (Gutek, 2009). In order to be able to understand philosophy we need to be able to understand its components. Metaphysics is the branch of philosop... in formulating a philosophy is self-reflective and formative. As educators generate ideas about what their teaching philosophy may be, all of the above are taken into consideration in determining attitudes, values, and beliefs about learning and teaching. A set of guidelines need to be implemented, and these guidelines will be worked and reworked as time and experiences happen. Educational philosophies are foundations of everything that we do as teachers. They are based upon our assumptions, definitions of learning, purpose of education and the nature of instructional process. It is an ever-changing process throughout our teaching career. What may be our philosophy today may not be our philosophy tomorrow. Works Cited Gutek, Gerald Lee. (2009). New perspectives on philosophy and education. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

technology Essay -- essays research papers

THURSDAY, July 21 (HealthDay News) -- Following surgery, a single dose of the cancer drug carboplatin is just as effective, and less toxic, than the standard three weeks of radiation therapy traditionally used to fight stage 1 seminoma, a form of testicular cancer, British researchers report. In addition, treatment with carboplatin results in the development of fewer new seminomas compared with traditional radiation therapy, according to the report in the July 23 issue of The Lancet. For the past half-century, the standard care for seminoma has been to remove the cancerous testicle, usually followed by three weeks of radiotherapy. However, the researchers point to previous studies that found that patients followed for up to 30 years post-treatment still faced an increased risk of cancer in other organs, as well as heart disease. Patients may finally have a new option, however. "We have defined a new standard for patients with testicular cancer," said lead author Dr. Tim Oliver, a professor of medical oncology at St. Bartholomew's and The London School of Medicine. "It's proven to be as safe as radiation, and it's less toxic." In their study, Oliver and colleagues randomly assigned nearly 1,500 patients with stage 1 seminoma to a single course of post-surgery carboplatin or radiation therapy. After three years of follow-up, they report that survival without relapse was similar in both groups -- 94.8 percent among those who received carboplatin compare...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Development in Early Childhood

In chapter 8, the author highlights the development of a child’s body as he/she goes through different stages of development both physically (body growth and brain) and at the same time acquires different motor skills and begins to manifest different health conditions. In the chapter, focused on different important concepts that included the parts and functions of the body that is beneficial for a child’s growth and development. Due to their relative importance, the chapter also points out important steps that parents and early childhood educators can do to enhance a child’s capabilities.It included different approaches in improving a child’s (1) emotional wellbeing, (2) nutrition, and (3) prevention of different diseases children are prone to during such stage. In addition to that, the chapter also focused on the concept of heredity and how it influences the physical growth of a child. It also stimulates the creation of different bodily functions. Lastly, the chapter mentions the development of motor skills. It elaborated on different situations wherein such skill can be improved and enhanced. Looking at Chapter 9, it relatively focuses on the cognitive development during early childhood.It first elaborates on important theories surrounding the concept. It included (1) Piaget’s Preoperational Stage and (2) Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory. These two theories explained the realm of cognitive development among children. Looking at Piagets theory, it explains the way children’s cognitive processes are developed and enhanced. In his theory, Piaget advocates that as children advance in age, they also increase their capabilities to decipher mental representations like language and the ‘make believe’ concept among children becomes complex in nature.As children progress in age, they begin to understand the reality in their individual ‘make believe’. This process is called dual representation. In addition to such, the preoperational stage can be characterized as egocentric in nature. sensitivity to children's readiness to learn, and acceptance of individual differences† Vygotsky’s theory on the other hand roots his analysis in the way society affects the development of children’s speech.It is through this that Vygotsky advocated the importance of language as the main contributor for the cognitive process. It emanates from the concept called ‘private speech’ that deals with inner, verbal thought. In addition, the theory points out the creation of intersubjectivity which is a neutral zone for communication and the element of scaffolding by parents as the main components of social interaction that is vital for cognitive development among children. Chapter 10 on the other hand focuses on the emotional and social development in early childhood.It looks at Erikson’s theory of initiative versus guilt and points out important concepts such as : (1) emotional development, (2) peer relations, (3) cultural influences, (4) morality, (5) gender typing and (6) child rearing. In the chapter, the author pointed out the importance of Erikson theory in the analysis of the diverse emotional and social changes during childhood. In addition, the factors mentioned above also have their own fair share of contributions to the development of a child. The chapter pointed out different factors that can affect the way children behave.Due to this, the responsibility is left to parents and educators to effectively enforce and promote the correct values among children since this is an important stage in their overall development as an adult. Another important factor pointed out by the chapter is the relative occurrence of violence and aggression among children. It pointed out the relative influence of media in the increased violent tendencies of children. The chapter points out that parents should create rearing mechanisms that will shield the ir children to such violent behavior at a young age. References (n.d.) Chapter 8:Physical Development in Early Childhood. Retrieved June 23, 2008. (n.d.) Chapter 9:Cognitive Development in Early Childhood. Retrieved June 23, 2008. (n.d.) Chapter 10: Emotional and Social Development in Early Childhood. Retrieved June 23,  2008.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Case Study: Xerox Essay

Q 1: How would Xerox define Diversity? How has the definition changed over the years? A 1: Diversity means more than race and gender. Diversity means creating an environment where all employees can grow to their fullest potential. The first chairman of Xerox, Johnson C. Wilson had the commitment to diversify. Chairman Wilson took proactive steps to create a more diverse workplace in response to race riots in the 1960s. He called for increased hiring of African Americans in order to achieve equality among its workplace. Throughout the 1970s Xerox established an internal affirmative action office and began to hire significant number of minority employees. Xerox placed an emphasis on the advancement of minorities and females in the 1980s. It was during that Barry Rand, an African American, was named the first minority president of a division. In the 1990s sexual orientation was included in the company’s Equal Opportunity policy. Xerox has 50% of its workforce made up by women and minorities. Of that 50%, 48.2% are Xerox’s senior executives. In 2007, Ursula Burns was named the first African American female president of Xerox Corporation. The definition of diversity was changed by Anne M. Mulcahy. She said Diversity was the key to success. Diversity breeds creativity. Companies ruled by a hierarchy of imagination, and filled with people of all ages, races, and backgrounds challenge each other’s underlying assumptions, freeing everybody from convention and orthodoxy. In summary: According to Xerox, diversity is more than just race/gender/numbers. It is about inclusion! By including people of all ages, races, and backgrounds,  Xerox can create a place where employees can grow to their fullest potential with their different ways of thinking, perceiving, and creating innovative solutions. They believe diversity=innovation=success. Over the years you can Xerox maintain their strong focus on diversity. In the 60’s they hired African Americans to improve equality in the workplace. In the 80’s they continued hiring minorities AND women, and in the 90’s hired many of different sexual orientations. Q2: What are the seven reasons why Xerox should be motivated to diversify their workforce? Illustrate how Xerox shows it values its workplace diversity. A: 1.Diversity means different ways of thinking, perceiving, and innovating. Innovation is the reason they are at the top of their industry. 2. Diversity creates productive people. Hiring people of different minorities and backgrounds improves equality and enhances individuality and increases productivity. 3. Diversity is highly respectable. In today’s day and age, America has become very diverse. And to diversify one’s company along with the country will result in respect. Xerox has been named one of the Top 10 companies by Fortune, Forbes, Working Mother, Latino Style, and Enable magazines. 4. Diversity spurs creativity. To enjoy work, feel included, express individuality, and use owns different outlook enhances creativity among employees. 5. Diversity instills commitment. Xerox values diversity from entry-level positions up to the highest seat in the house. With a female African-American as the president encourages employees that anyone can do it and commitment is powerful. 6. Diversity serves as an inspiration for other companies. Diversity for Xerox is inspirational. Their logic and beliefs for diversity truly benefits them and their employees and it is evident through their success and ranking. Diversity in the workplace represents the real world: a place of different religions and beliefs but they all have the same skills, high work ethic, and devotion. 7. Diversity has been working and going strong. Because of success with diversity, Xerox should continue focusing on it. They have a 100% rating on Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index and its Best Places to Work survey. Illustration is a chart: This chart demonstrates diversity in the Xerox company. 3. Xerox defies the leaking pipeline phenomenon. The leaking pipeline is something that explains that women don’t have enough senior positions in the workforce, and then leave before they have the opportunity to receive them. Xerox defies this because they, from the beginning, have been committed to the idea that whoever is right for the job, regardless of background, gender, or sexual orientation, will get the job. This commitment not only enables women to reach those higher positions, but also gives them the motivation to keep working hard and not abandon the business out of fear the company might not promote women. 4. No one can argue that Xerox has not taken major strides towards diversity within their corporation. After all, Xerox made history when Ursula Burns succeeded Anne Mulcahy as its chief executive officer (CEO) in July of 2009. This transfer of power marked the first time ever that a female CEO of a Fortune 500 company was succeeded by another female. As historic as this female to female hand-off was, what made it even more remarkable was that fact that Ursula Burns is also an African-American. With this in mind, one may naturally ask, â€Å"How do women and minorities within the upper management of other Fortune 500 companies compare to Xerox?†. In order to answer this question with authority, our group sought out many reliable sources such as established magazines, think tanks, and websites devoted entirely to the task of tracking, analyzing, and encouraging the idea of diversifying our corporate world. Moreover, since our case and its’ questions were published in 2012, we found it best to compare the other companies to Xerox as they stood in 2012 as well. Lastly, our group also assumed that â€Å"the highest levels of each organization† refers to the corporations’ CEOs and their board of directors. According to the Huffington Post, in 2012 only eighteen (or 3.6 percent) of the five hundred chief executive officers comprised of the Fortune 500 corporations were women1. Of these eighteen eighteen women, only one other was of a minority status – Indra K. Nooyi of Pepsico. Mrs. Nooyi is of Asian/Pacific descent, more specifically, Indian. Hence, with this data we can gather that in 2012 the number of minority women CEOs in the Fortune 500  was a mere two. Comprised of these two were one African-American, one Asian-American, and zero Hispanics. In total, less than one half of one percent of the Fortune 500 CEOs in 2012 were held by minority women. This startling statistic proves that women and minorities are extremely under-represented in the Fortune 500 CEO class. With women occupying eighteen percent of the CEOs positions of 2012’s Fortune 500, the remaining eighty-two percent of positions were occupied by men. Minority men fared better than their female counterparts, but not by much. With a little bit of algebra and data obtained from The Center for American Progress2, one can calculate eight men of Asian descent (1.6 percent), six men of Hispanic descent (1.2 percent), and three African-American men (0.6 percent) held the titles of CEOs within the Fortune 500 of 2012. The four hundred sixty-five (93 percent) residual positions were all held by Non-Hispanic white males. When we expanded our search to include all of the board members for each each of these companies we were greeted with slightly better news. According to Missing Pieces: Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards the report published in 2012 by the Alliance for Board Diversity (ABD), women and minorities combined accounted for 13.3 percent3 of all of the Fortune 500’s board members in 2012. The ABD ranked Xerox as the 35th most diverse board that year. Xerox cares about diversity and it shows. There are many things that other corporations can do to increase diversity in their workplace. For example, human resources personnel can host recruitment events in ethnically diverse areas, such as inner cities. Placing ads in cultural papers, leaving fliers at different churches, and participating in a job fairs may also lead to finding more diverse candidates to apply for and fill their needed positions. With a more diverse staff, more companies can expect an influx of ideas, new talents and perspectives, and increased returns on investments.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Baptism and High School Student Essay

My mom told be that when im with her tummy bear she’s always angry, can’t sleep well and eat lots of food. She was always fighting with my father that time. During my christening, they told me I have more than 20 Godmothers and Godfathers. Back when I’m months old, my mom said, she doesn’t like other people kissing me, except to all my Godparents, because she doesn’t like me to smell bad or even get dirty. She even told me that I cry a lot. She also told me that I only have 3 colors in all my clothes; pink, yellow and white. All my clothes are beautiful to me, I’m so clean and tidy. see more:survey questionnaire about tardiness I took a bath 3 to 4 times a day, every minute she puts powder on me . I’m so fit and sexy way back then because of my mom, she doesn’t want me to go outside and play with other children. Sometimes, I go out without their permission, just to play and bond with other kids . During my Nursery days, I always have my lunch box with me. They always put in it some cookies with a house drawn to it. But when I started to learn how to read, it was, Cream ‘O cookies . Then, during my Kinder days, I became a Twinkle Star in our Girl Scout. I was so shy and as I remember, I was so sick. Back then, if I’m not feeling well and my tummy is aching, I immediately throw up. I cry and cry because all I wanted that time is to go back home, I really hate mosquito bites. In Grade 1, during the Foundation day, our class presents a dance and I was in the back row because I don’t know how to dance. That’s my weakness, so I do everything, and practice a lot, then in grade 2, I was in the front row and became the leader of the group, and our principal was sitting in front of me. There was a point in my Grade 1 life that my teacher always gets mad at me, because I always bring attitude to school. It’s because at home, I am a spoiled brat, my parents always give me what I want . In Grade 6, I always make fights, I’m so bully and I am so confident in myself, because I am always a muse in our class . And in High school, there was a time, that some of the school leaders choose me to be their representative as Ms. Intrams. I became 1st runner up in the Ms. Girl scout of all entire Makati. I also became Lakambini SA buwan ng wika, which makes my mom proud. All about the that special event in my entire high school life, my mom is always there to support me. Even if the gown is expensive, she still bought it for me. And as I remember, she even registered me to one of this workshop, which is a ramp model. She wants me before to be an artist. Half a month of my 3rd year high school, I met a church that’s â€Å"Victory Fort†, that was the time I realize everything. What Christ did for me, â€Å"Salvation†. It made me realize how strong the Gospel is, the moment Christ sacrifice himself at the cross, to forget all our sins and to let us all live. God reveals so many things to me, and during March 23, 2013 I was baptized with the Holy Water. I was born again. I know the real Elaine, the real me. When I was in my last year of High school, it was the happiest year of my life as a high school student. All of my classmates are so close to me and we all wishes to have pictures together with all our teachers. And during our JS Prom, I felt so elegant with my dress, my friends were shocked with the way I dressed up. It was way too far from the real Elaine. Whenever I’m bored or nothing else to do, I just enjoyed playing chess with my siblings, friends or parents. The people involve in this church, they were the ones who let me see how important my life is, my body and they remind me what did Jesus Christ do to me just for me to live and how strong His Love, Mercy and Grace for us. God changed me, inside and out. 2 Corinthians 5:17 New International Version (NIV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, The old has gone, the new is here! When I was in my last year of High school, it was the happiest year of my life as a high school student. All of my classmates are so close to me and we all wishes to have pictures together with all our teachers. And during our JS Prom, I felt so elegant with my dress, my friends were shocked with the way I dressed up. It was way too far from the real Elaine. Whenever I’m bored or nothing else to do, I just enjoyed playing chess with my siblings, friends or parents.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Drugs in Schools Essay

It is said that the majority of high school students have witnessed illegal drugs being used in their schools, illegal drugs being sold, illegal drugs in the possession of students, students high on drugs and students that are drunk. Parents think that until they get rid the schools of drugs, students will not bring good grades and achieve high marks. In schools in Newfoundland and Labrador, drugs are a huge issue. Smoking weed has become as regular as smoking a cigarette. The youth are even selling marijuana amongst themselves. All kinds of drugs are being used such as crystal meth, pot and ecstasy. In America, 60% of high school students and 30% or middle school students returned to school this year where illegal drugs are used, kept and sold. Many reports found that drug abuse will increase and will add $41 billion to the cost of elementary and secondary education this year for class disruption and violence, special education and tutoring. Parents say that drugs have infested schools and threatened students and their ability to learn and develop their talents. If parents would feel strongly about drugs in schools, we would have drug-free schools. It seems that more and more high school students are using drugs every year. Mostly, 10.5% of the youth that come for treatment are kids who started using drugs before the age of eleven. The media says that it is the parents, school board and the authorities to be held responsible for this because they never asked for drug-free schools.

Dry Bones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dry Bones - Essay Example It would also seem that this subject may have been a victim of an accident with the hole occurring in the frontal lobe which is just under the browline. This person could also have been a subject of a lobotomy with respect to psychiatric assessment to deal with dementia. The scapular spine differences where the spine supports the acromion process; it divides the posterior surface of the scapula into a supraspinatous fossa and an infraspinatous fossa which may mean that this person was a deformed person through the shoulder bone malformities. Judging from the size of the femur bone, which gives us the approximate height of the person, being adult or child, it would seem that this was of an adolescent and quite possible pre-pubescent based on the narrow pelvis and outlet being small means that this was a female subject prior to any childbirth. Since the bone density is heavy, this subject has not been afflicted with any forms of osteoporosis which generally happens upon the onset of middle age or for women, during menopause.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hospitality as a performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Hospitality as a performance - Essay Example For, in the hospitality industry, there are no takes or retakes; once performed, there in no turning back. This makes the job of these personnel extremely difficult and mentally tough. We see that one often needs to present themselves in different ways in varying situations. The front office men and women are well-dressed and offer a glowing countenance every time a customer walks up to them, whether they like or not. A bartender may not be having the best of days, yet he/she will have to offer the kindest smile in the world, every time a stranger asks for a drink. A waiter or waitress may be having the worst day in their life, still they offer a towel or remark politely, " Its OK Sir, I'll have it cleaned up immediately," when a customer throws up or spills a drink over the table. Welcome then to the hospitality industry, where all sorts of roles are played out day-in, day-out to keep their customers happy. Most often, these roles come with a script, a fixed message. Considering the magnitude of personal involvement, the pressure to perform remains utmost important in organisations such as the hospitality and other service industries. Organisational Behaviour in Hotels and Restaurants are monitored to such an extent that unless the personnel perform to industry standards, they are most likely to lose business and name. Personal relations remain high on their agenda. A study of the industry suggests that performance is based on strong HR policies. One could study the following to understand the impact of personal supervision to understand the following: Why is it a work in some organisations pleasurable, and torturous in others Why is it difficult to motivate employees to work hard How can one person persuade a group to work as a team Which is the best way of designing an organisational structure Can one persuade his/her boss to listen to their ideas (Guerrier, 2004). Motivation remains the biggest factor in making people perform. One can never get away from the fact that, man has and will continue to be fascinated by rewards and appreciation. Many hotels have come forward to openly recognize the best performer in the various departments of their hotel to encourage others to perform. Hotel personnel are stage performers, and to get the best out of them, there is nothing like showing the bait. 'Role playing' is what is enacted by these personnel right through their career in the hotel. The same may not be the case in real life, as their life at home or with friends. Similarly, Gorden Rumsay runs a program called, 'hell kitchen.' For outsiders, the feeling may be one of terror or bullish. He wants to be a perfectionist, and goes about shouting and screaming at his staff, with the occasional use of four-letter words to get his staff to perform. This may be his way to get the best from his staff. However, his staff and others around him may think of h im to be arrogant and

Monday, August 12, 2019

Painting, architecture and sculpture of British designers Essay

Painting, architecture and sculpture of British designers - Essay Example A huge spectrum of the art in the 17th century was introduced in Britain from Italy which relied heavily on the physical impression the art depicted. Annibale Carracci and Caravaggio are some of the first Italian painters who ushered the baroque style into Italy. They ensured that naturalism and classicism coexisted to bring the required impression through art and architecture. Churches were painted and decorated in the first baroque style at the time. The spiral staircases can be witnessed in a number of present day buildings in the UK; this was one of the first architect’s works of the baroque period. In Britain art began with stone carving and engraving by the Celtic tribes. Some of the artefacts in the national museum illustrate the beautiful shapes on swords and household goods, this continued until it was conquered by the Romans. The Roman regime introduced the patterned and mosaic approaches in constructions of some of the buildings in the UK. This period is closely fol lowed by the influence of religion which brings into perspective the concepts of illuminating manuscripts. In 1066 after the invasion by William of Normandy the buildings in London were characterised by rounded columns and semi-circular arches which a system is referred to as the Romanesque. Medieval and Gothic architectural styles were later ingrained in Britain’s art system. It is a specific class affair as depicted by the type of people who practiced the concepts, for instance William Morris was a trained architect.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Food Sector of Saudi Arabia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

The Food Sector of Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example There is also scope for seeing a wider and diverse range of products apart from the available food products. With average annual sales of 3.5 billion dollars, this sector offers a lot of insights as well as opportunities for strategic marketing. The growth of the food industry in Arab can be seen from the fact that more and more international food organizations are launching their products and services in Saudi Arabia. This can be attributed to the changing food habits of the overall population, increasing demand for diversity in food, etc. The island of oil has seen a gradual shift in the food habits of Arab populations. With the rise in economy and increasing percentage of younger populations, the overall choice and taste for food has changed. More and more population is now opting for outside food outlets, such as restaurants and hotels. As women entrepreneurs and workers are increasing in numbers, home cooked food is being replaced by ordered food. The overall preference of Arab population is shifting towards eating out. This can be seen from the increasing marketing strategies adopted by Arab restaurants. The overall food and drinks purchased by restaurants in Saudi Arabia have seen a 12 percent year on year increase. As more and more people are opting out, the restaurants are also increasing their overall range of food products. Restaurants and hotels in Saudi Arabia have also categorized their food and beverages department according to the target population. Different menus and cuisines are prepared and served for locals as well as tourists in the restaurants. Thus, it can be said that food industry has become a burgeoning sector in Saudi Arabia, provided it is supported by proper marketing and branding activities. However, it is also important to highlight the negative effects of such a change in food preferences. Though outside food is becoming popular as a result of factor such as time saved, convenience, variety etc, it is also true that the overall quality of food is getting compromised. As a result, health concerns among general population are on the rise. Recent government reports have suggested that there has been a rise in obesity and diabetes, basically arising from irregular and unhealthy eating habits. Researchers have also shown that average percentage of obese children have increased in the past five years. Now all of the above facts pose a serious threat on the general health of the Arab population. Thus, it has been important for the government as well as the organizations to educate society in terms of healthy food and healthy lifestyle. Like other organizations in the food sector in Arab, Arzaq also faces few challenges and concerns in terms of marketing its food products. It can be seen that Saudi Arabia has become a hub for international food. Thus, in order to expand its customer base and gain market share as well as brand recognition, Arzaq will have to opt for strategic marketing activities.  Ã‚